Sunday, 24 January 2010

D i s i n t e g r a t i o n

It’s blurring out of sight,
The faces flickering
In the tinsel light on the esplanades.
Fluid and vanishing,
Dissolving, hiding things.
In your room, after the scene, when the faces shift
Into someone else.
The arcade is echoing;
In a shattered self, the figure’s shimmering.

Alter all the static thoughts
Into something less than what was sought.
The splendour of within,
Inner helplessness no more.
Empty habits cure the needs
Solely to concede.
Never disagree,
Seek obscurity in lucidity.

Someone said,
My identity is dying.
Someone said,
Can you believe? Can you believe this line?
And for all I know there’s a cure,
Faltering, reversing forward.
Sentiment’s never odd or even,
The minds are solid as liquid.
Reverberant and faint,
Vaguely luminous:
Everything has changed
And nothing is the same.

Alter all the static thoughts
Into something less than what was sought.
The splendour of within,
Inner helplessness no more.
Empty habits cure the needs
Solely to concede.
Never disagree,
Seek obscurity in lucidity.

 [ Theatre of Tragedy ] 

Dove sono state le mie orecchie, fino ad ora? Perché non mi sono mai accorto di quanto maledettamente bella fosse questa canzone, di quando la voce di Nell dia i brividi, faccia contrarre i muscoli e inumidire gli occhi?

1 comment:

  1. Una lacrima di zucchero

    densa di passione

    scivola fra le pieghe carnali

    delle tue parole

    Musa *
